write a letter about bus accident

write a letter about bus accident

write a letter about bus accident
write a letter about bus accident

You witnessed a bus accident last week. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the serious accident.

10 May 2024

Chandina, Cumilla.

My dear Mostafa,

At first take my love. I hope you are well. I am writing to you with a heavy heart. I witnessed a serious accident last week.

I was going to Chandina Bazar along the road. Suddenly, I saw a small girl passing the road. A bus was coming with a full speed. The driver was unmindful about the speed of the bus. He tried to control his bus but failed. The bus ran over the body of the girl. The road became red with blood. The driver ran away rapidly. The girl passed away on spot. This street accident was so pathetic that I cannot forget it in my life.

No more today, convey my Salam /regards to your parents and love to the juniors.

Your loving friend,


Write a letter about bus accident in english

Suppose, you are Yeasin by name and your friend is Mostafa. You witnessed a bus accident last month. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the serious accident.

10 May, 2024

Chandina, Comilla

My dear Mostafa

At first, take my cordial love. I hope that you are well. I am writing to you with a heavy heart. I witnessed a serious accident last month. I was going to Chandina Bazar along the road. Suddenly I saw a smal

l girl passing the road. A bus was coming with a full speed. The driver was unmindful about the speed of the bus. He tried to control his bus but failed. The bus ran over the body of the girl. The road became red with blood. The bus ran away rapidly. She was immediately removed to the Comilla Medical College Hospital. But the doctor declared her dead. This street accident is so pathetic that I shall not forget it in my life.

Your loving friend,


write a letter about bus accident

A little boy died by the road accident when he was trying to cross the road. You have witnessed it. Now, write a letter to your friend describing this accident.

Green road, Dhaka

10 May, 2024

My dear Ripon

You have possibly noticed the shocking news in today is news Paper. I witnessed the same yesterday before my very eyes.A serious road accident took place at about 10 am yesterday. A little boy was crossing the near our school. A bus was coming with full speed. It ran over the boy. He died on the spot. This pathetic sight moved every heart and some passer bys could not check tears.

Now I am not in a position to write any more. More when we meet next, with love and best wishes.

Yours ever


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