Food pyramid paragraph for class 5

Food pyramid paragraph for class 5

Write a short and simple composition on `Food Pyramid’

Food Pyramid

Food pyramid paragraph for class 5
Food pyramid paragraph for class 5

The food pyramid is a chart to show the fife groups of foods. It also tells us how much of each food we should eat maintain good health. At the age of the pyramid the most essential foods like bread, cereal, rice, models, potatoes, etc. are arranged. They provide us energy. The fresh fruits belong to the second phase while vegetables belong to the third group. We should eat both fruits and vegetables regularly. The foods of this group are very essential for our skin. The fourth phase of the pyramid contains dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt and meat, fish and beans, nuts and eggs. The fifth phase of the pyramid contains fats, oils, sweets etc. We should eat these moderately.

Food pyramid paragraph for class 5


ফুড পিরামিড হঅে খাদ্য তালিকার ৫টি গ্রুপ। এটা আরও বলে দেয় স্বাস্থ্য ভালো রাখতে কোন ধরনের খাদ্য কী পরিমাণে খাওয়া উচিত। পিরামিডের নিম্নে আছে রুটি, দানাদার খাবার, ভাত, নুরস, আলু ইত্যাদি। এগুলো আমাদেরকে শক্তি জোগায়্ দ্বিতীয় স্তরে আছে ফলমূল এবং তৃতীয় স্তরে আছে শাকসবিজ। ‍উভয়  স্তরের খাবারগুলো আমাদের প্রচুর পরিমাণে  নিয়মিত খাওয়া উচিত। এ গ্রুপের খাবারগুলো আমাদের ত্বকের জন্য অত্যাবশ্যক। খাদ্যতালিকার চতুর্থ স্তরে আছে দুগ্ধজাত খাবার যেমন – দুধ,পনির, দধি এবং মাংস, মাছ ও শিম, বাদাম ও ডিম। পিরামিডের পঞ্চম স্তরে আছে চর্বি, তেল, মিষ্টান্ন ইত্যাদি । এ খাবারগুলো নিয়ম মেনে খেতে হবে।


Food pyramid paragraph for class 5

We eat different kinds of food every day. The sources of these foods are plants and animals. Different foods from plants and animals contain different nutrients, which do different jobs in our body. So, to stay healthy, we need to eat all types of food rich in nutrients in right amount. But all the types of food we see around us are not healthy. Consumption of contaminated and unhealthy food and drink can lead to various diseases. So it is important to know which foods and drinks are safe and which are unsafe or unhealthy. In this chapter, we will learn about food of sources, seasonal classification of fruits and vegetables, sources and functions of various nutrients food and safe drinks.

Source of Food

The foods we eat every day come from a variety of plants  and animals. Food that comes from plant includes rice, ruti, lentils, vegetables, fruits, etc. And we get food  like fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. from animals.

Plants as a food source

Some foods we get directly form plants. For example, fruit. Again bread, biscuits, etc. food we get by processing plant materials (for example: rice, wheat, etc.)

Animals as a food source

Some foods we get directly form animals. For example, Fish, meat. And some foods we make from animal-derived ingredients. For example, we get milk from animals; we make butter, ghee, cheese etc. from that milk.

Seasonal fruits

The fruits available in our country can be divided into three groups: summer, winter, and all-season.

Summer fruits

Fruits that are available only in summer are called summer fruits, Example – mango, blackberry, jackfruit, wood apple, watermelon, lichi, palm, guava, hog-plum, pommel, pineapple, rumba (lotkon), java apple (jamrul), etc.

Winter fruits

Fruits that are available only in winter are called winter fruits. For example – plums, oranges, amla, olives, etc.

All-season fruits

Fruits that are available throughout the year are called all-season fruits. For example – banana, papaya, coconut, etc.

Seasonal Vegetables

The vegetables available in our country can be divided into three categories: summer, winter and all-season.

Summer vegetables

Vegetables that are available only in summer are called summer vegetables. For example: Malabar spinach and green amaranth etc. are summer greens leafy vegetables. On the other hand, pointed gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin, wax gourd, spiny gourd, luffa, sponge gourd, snake gourd, etc. are summer vegetables.

Winter vegetables

Vegetable that are available only in winter are called winter vegetables. For example: red amaranth, spinach, bottle gourd leaves, etc. are winter leafy green vegetables and legumes, gourd, radish, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, etc. are winter vegetables.

All-season Vegetables

Vegetables that are available throughout the year are called all-season vegetables. For example: Water amaranth and taro leaves, etc. are all-season leafy green vegetables. On the other hand papaya, green banana, etc are all-season vegetables.


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