write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic

write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic

Suppose, you have recently enjoyed a picnic. You Shipu wanted to know about it. Now, write a letter to him about the picnic.

22 May, 2024

Savar, Dhaka

Dear Shipu,

At first, take my love. I received your letter yesterday. You wanted to know about my recent picnic here. Now, I am telling you about it.

I along with some of my friends made a plan to go on a picnic to Sonargaon. We got into a hired bus at about 8 am with all the necessary utensils and materials.  After reaching Sonargaon, We had our breakfast by 9 am. Some were singing, some were cutting jukes, some were gossiping and others were playing different types of games. At about 2 pm, all of us took our lunch with full appetite. After lunch, we went out for sightseeing. We started at home at 5 pm.

No more today, convey my salam/regards to your parents and love to the juniors.

Your loving friend,


Suppose, you go on a picnic, Salam is one of your intimate friends. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic. 

30/6 Lalmatia

22 February 2024

Dear Salam,

I hope you are doing well. You will be glad to know that we are going to enjoy a picnic at Mainamati on Monday next. We shall start for Mainamati at 8 am from our house Father has agreed to give us a car with a driver. We are already four and if you join us, we shall be five. We shall carry with us every necessary thing for cooking. It is really a nice picnic spot. We shall spend the whole day there. I hope you will come and join the picnic on the fixed date without fail.

Please tender my best regards to your parents. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever


You and your friends have recently been to a picnic at a place of historical importance. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the picnic.

Homna, Comilla

1 July 2024

My dear Rafiq,

Your letter is just to hand. You wanted to know all about the picnic. Well, here it is the picnic was arranged by a group of our friends. The spot was Joydevpur. We started at 7 am in two buses. We fitted a microphone on the buses and played records of modern songs. We reached our destination, Bhawal Garh at 9 am. We selected a shady place on the bank of a little stream. Then four of our friends began to prepare our lunch while others went out sightseeing.

Our friend, Rahim had a gun with him and I had a camera. Rahim bagged a few game birds. I took several snaps of the Garh. The Garh is really a beautiful place with natural scenery all around. We heard the chirping of numerous unknown birds.

We returned to our place at about 1 pm. By this time we were hungry. We found our meal ready and ate to our heart’s content. Then we indulged in singing, gossiping, and all sorts of merriment.

We started our return journey at 5 pm. and reached our school at 6.30 pm. We had really a jolly day.

No more today, with love.

Yours ever,


Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to join a picnic.

10 Jun, 2024

Rajarbagh, Dhaka.

My dear Masud,

You will be very glad to know that we are going to enjoy a picnic at Wari-Boteshwar on the 21st instant.

We shall start our journey at 8.00 am by a hired bus from our school. We shall take all necessary things. You are cordially invited to the picnic I shall be glad if you come on that day.

I am waiting for your kind arrival.

No more today, goodbye.

Your loving friend


Suppose, you will go on a picnic, Kamal is one of your intimate friends. Now, write a letter to him inviting him to join the picnic.

My dear Kamal,

Hope that you are keeping a sound mind in a sound body. From your last letter, I have come to learn that your examination is over and so is ours.

Well, we are going on a picnic at Cox’s Bazar. We are all interested in taking you with us because we believe that you have got wonderful qualities to make the picnic interesting. We shall do many things and enjoy many sights and sounds during the picnic. If you are with us, the picnic will be more enjoyable. So, I do invite you to go on the picnic with us on the 19th instant.

More when we meet. Love to all of your family members.

Yours ever,


Imagine, you are Selina Khanam. Shampa is your best friend. You are going for a picnic. Now, write a message to your friend inviting her to go for the picnic with you using her email address.

To: Shampa52@gmail.com

Subject: Invitation to go for a picnic.

Dear Shampa,

We are going for a picnic on Friday, 28 January. Our picnic spot is the Mahasthangarh. Most of our friends will be with us. Some of our teachers will guide us. I’m inviting you to participate in the picnic with us.

Your loving son,


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